Tool for developing software using the method of John C. Munson.
7E550F - pseudocode control flow visualization
In "Software Specification and Design" John C. Munson describes a process for developing software by successive refinement. The refinement is performed using a series of interconnected living documents describing the system.
Defining programs in this way allows for complete traceability from the user-level specification all the way down to code. It also allows for a variety of statistics about the quality of the resulting system to be computed. It can even be used to certify programs for use against various operation profiles generated from real-world usage or statistical models of usage.
Module Pseudocode Language
The munson tool provides a parser, analyzer, and visualizer for a module defintion pseudocode language. An example module for a Chip8 CPU emulator is shown below:
MODULE ParseOpcode DESCRIPTION Takes an opcode as a 16-bit decimal value and returns the decoded opcode information in a record for further processing. END DESCRIPTION TYPES OperationType IS (CLS, RET, SYS) DecodedOpcode IS RECORD Type IS OperationType X IS Decimal Whole Range [0, 15] Y IS Decimal Whole Range [0, 15] Address IS Decimal Whole Range [200, 4095] END RECORD END TYPES PARAMETERS Opcode IS Decimal Whole Range [0, 65535] IN Result IS DecodedOpcode OUT END PARAMETERS ERRORS InvalidOperation("Invalid opcode #{Opcode as 4 digit, 0 padded hex}") END ERRORS BODY IF upper 4 bits of Opcode = 0 THEN IF lower 8 bits of Opcode = 16#EO# THEN Result.Type := CLS ELSIF lower 8 bits of Opcode = 16#EE# THEN Result.Type := RET ELSE Result.Type := SYS Result.Address := lower 12 bits of Opcode END IF ELSE ERROR InvalidOperation END IF END BODY END MODULE
Analysis of this module shows the following properties:
Module: ParseOpcode [Call Graph] In degree: 0 Out degree: 0 [Numerical Complexity] External: 29 bits Inbound: 16 bits Outbound: 12 bits Error: 1 bits Internal: 12 bits Data Type: 12 bits Variables: 0 bits Constants: 0 bits Total: 41 bits [Control Complexity] Paths: 4 Conditional Blocks: 6 Unconditional Blocks: 1 Method Calls: 0 Cohesion: 0.17
Running the visualizer displays the following control-flow diagram for the module:

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